June 18, 2024

Rep. Vargas Statement on Biden Executive Action to Keep Families Together

WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Juan Vargas (CA-52) released the following statement on President Biden’s new actions to provide protections for non-citizen spouses of U.S. citizens and their non-citizen children who have lived in the United States for a decade and allow qualified college-educated Dreamers to obtain work visas. 

“As the proud son of Mexican immigrants who came to this country seeking better opportunities, I know that immigrants are integral to the fabric of our nation. They contribute significantly to our communities and economy every day. Immigrants are our neighbors, friends, and family members. 

I’m glad to see the Biden Administration heed our calls and take action to protect mixed-status families and Dreamers. Today’s announcement is truly life changing for hundreds of thousands of families living in fear of being torn apart. They will finally have some well-deserved peace of mind.

However, we know there’s no substitute for Congressional action. I’ll keep pushing for comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship for the Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders, and farmworkers who call this country home.”

Rep. Vargas has long pushed for comprehensive immigration reform and relief for immigrants. 

In May, Rep. Vargas joined 82 of his colleagues in calling on President Biden to streamline pathways to lawful status for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens, family caregivers, and other long-term residents.

Rep. Vargas is a cosponsor of the American Families United Act, which would help preserve and promote family unity by amending the Immigration and Nationality Act to help U.S. citizens reunite with their loved ones.

Rep. Vargas voted to pass the American Dream and Promise Act through the House of Representatives twice. This legislation would protect Dreamers, as well as Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure holders, by allowing them to continue to live and work in our country and providing a pathway to citizenship. 
